Cannabis and Hemp CBD Solutions

Rhizo Sciences specialises in medical cannabis solutions. We design and develop processing facilities, manage supply chains and distribute wholesale products in legal medical cannabis and hemp-derived CBD markets.
As part of that we consult on, design and develop large scale production and processin facilities, implement GMP manufacturing facilities, and then distributing this product internationally. We have several projects which will be coming online in 2018 – see medical cannabis extraction and process projects.
When we build these facilities, we also issue offtake agreements to secure the rights to sell and distribute this product. We also work with qualified vetted farmers, licensed producers and processors to source wholesale medical cannabis and CBD products including high CBD hemp biomass, high CBD flower, CBD oil, CBD distillate and CBD isolate for qualified buyers. We also source large scale wholesale industrial hemp biomass.
Here is some more information on our business and international projects.
Rhizo Sciences is based in Seattle but most of our project work is international because we focus on pharmaceutical grade GMP medical cannabis to the specifications of countries like Australia, Canada, Israel, Germany etc.
We’re a small company so our success is built on agility, innovation, proven solutions and trusted partners.
Eg: We’ve just completed the historic first ever medical African cannabis export to Canada:

Here is our brochure:

Pharmaceutical Grade Medical Cannabis

Rhizo Sciences is committed to delivering natural plant medicines to pharmaceutical standards of safety, purity and consistency.
The cannabis industry is evolving at a a rapid pace, and much of that innovation is occurring with poor attention to compliance, provenance and quality control.
Patients deserve and expect their medicine to be tested, safe and of legitimate origin.
These criteria aren’t being delivered by black market or grey market medical cannabis (which currently represents around 99% of the total product sold).
However these issues have already been solved in other industries – food, herbal medicines and the pharmaceutical industry. This aspect of the medical cannabis industry is the safe harbor for investors, entrepreneurs and patients alike.
While much of the world is awash with low quality, poorly regulated cannabis, there is a massive worldwide shortage of legal GMP certified product.
As a result, Medical Hemp/Cannabis is projected to grow from about $10B now to $50B globally by 2029. At the same time the pharma side will grow from under $1B now to $50B. Our approach ensures compliance and standards required for that market while still being able to serve the current medical market in countries like the US and Canada.
As you know Israel is a leader in the medical and pharma side.
We consult with new companies who want to join the legal export market, as well as design, build and manage facilities. A core part of our business is international CBD and cannabis sales. You can read more about our outlook on the international legal cannabis market here.
We find this report from Ackrell Capital very useful to share with investors and clients – you may enjoy it too:

Ackrell Capital 2018 investor Report

Medical Cannabis Large Scale Projects

Rhizo Sciences partners with investors and licensed producers to develop large scale cannabis extraction and manufacturing facilities in strategic locations.
We recently completed the historic first export of medical cannabis from Africa to Canada (also one of the first ever legal Canadian cannabis imports)
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