CBG Hemp

CBG Hemp

CBD Hemp is a type of hemp – varieties of Cannabis spp. cannabis low in THC in and high in CBG are which have been specially bred to comply with legal requirements for Industrial Hemp while producing high levels of Cannabigerol, or CBG.

What is CBG?

CBG (Canabigerol) is a cannabinoid found at low levels in most types of cannabis or hemp. It is non-narcotic and shows significant therapeutic potential.

Uses of CBG Hemp

High CBG Hemp can be processed to produce CBG rich hemp oil, CBG distillate or CBG isolate.

While Industrial Hemp bred for seed and fibre often contains some CBG, new high CBG hemp genetics have been specially selected to produce large harvests of high CBG flower and hemp biomass for processing into CBG extracts.

CBD Hemp Cultivars and Strains

In 2019 the hemp industry has witnessed a revolution of CBG hemp breeding, with the release of a number of specially selected CBG rich hemp for flower and extraction biomass production.

These High CBG strains are a promising type of medicinal hemp. Unlike most Cannabis strains they have very low levels of THC.

CBG Hemp Cultivars have been selected for flower, resin and cannabinoid production in an agricultural/horticultural environment. Like CBD Hemp Cultivars, they are are best considered a type of resin-rich cannabis, rather than traditional industrial hemp which is focussed on fibre/grain production.

CBG Hemp Strains have Low THC

All these strains can produce <0.3% THC when quality seed is cultivated, harvested and processed appropriately.

CBG rich strains show particularly low levels of THC compared to CBD rich and industrial hemp varieties.

This is because in selecting for these high CBG strains breeders have identified specific genotypes of cannabis that lack functional THC synthase and CBD synthase genes, meaning that after the CBG is produced it accumulates instead of transforming into either CBD or THC.

Expect to see THC and CBD levels below 0.3% in these types of hemp, making them a very attractive crop for farmers because they will not run hot when grown to maturity (a common problem for CBD hemp farmers).

Read more about CBG conversion to CBD and THC in the hemp plant on our page on Cannabinoid biosynthesis pathways and in this interview on high CBG cultivars in the Shaping Fire Podcast interview with Seth Crawford from Oregon CBD seeds.

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