Hemp Biomass Processing

Hemp Biomass Processing

Processing Industrial Hemp Biomass

Hemp Biomass Processing is a key step between hemp agriculture and hemp industries. Hemp can be used to produce thousands of different products, but the initial processing can be expensive and difficult to scale.

This has resulted in the hemp fibre – one of the most promising components for innovative green industrial products – largely going to waste in most hemp crops.

With the recent expansion and legalisation of hemp globally there is renewed interest, and investment in fibre processing infrastructure and technology which is resulting in a boom in both supply and demand for hemp products.

Hemp Biomass Value Streams

Harvested hemp has multiple value streams which determine the preferred processing methods.

Rhizo Sciences specialises in high CBD medical hemp processing to extract and refine CBD for use in therapeutic products. Processing for hemp for medical use requires special attention to hygeine, quality and detail that is quite distinct from that required for food, fibre or fuel production.

Read more about Hemp Processing within the medical hemp context.

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