Industrial Scale Hemp Extraction
Industrial Scale Hemp Extraction for CBD production involves processing hundreds or thousands of pounds of hemp per day, while meeting quality management systems for GMP Hemp.
Note that to produce a medical or pharmaceutical quality produce (eg: a CBD Oil or Capsule) in finished products, the material being processed needs to be good quality as well.
Industrial Scale Hemp Processing
Industrial Scale Extraction requires tons of high quality milled hemp every week. Most companies fail to properly plan for post harvest hemp processing, and fail to follow a quality management system essential to produce a GMP CBD extract.
Quality hemp flower or biomass, post harvest processing and handling, and testing are essential to produce a medical product – this adds significantly to the challenge of scaling medical hemp processing.
Industrial Scale Hemp Extraction Facilities
Rhizo Sciences works with Thar Process to develop industrial scale hemp processing facilities able to process 1000’s of pounds of hemp per day or hour.
Want to work with Rhizo Sciences to develop and launch your own Hemp Processing, Extraction or Manufacturing Facility?
Submit a Project Enquiry to apply to work with Rhizo Sciences.