CBD Oil Products Scheduled in South Africa

CBD Oil in South Africa CBD Sales and Imports in South Africa have been impacted by new scheduling requirements announced by SAHPRA. Types of CBD products impacted will include CBD extracts such as CBD Oil tinctures and other products made with CBD oil, CBD distillate or CBD isolate. Until recently, CBD was not specifically mentioned


CBD Isolate Drug Epidiolex Approved by FDA

Epidiolex, a new pharmaceutical drug containing CBD Isolate opens up a new era of cannabinoid medicine and cannabis reform. CBD Isolate Anti-Epilepsy Drug Epidiolex Approved by FDA On June 25, 2018, the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved EPIDIOLEX® – a CBD isolate-based oral solution for the treatment of seizures associated with two severe epilepsy syndromes –

CBD, Hemp

Hemp Biomass Products

Hemp Biomass Products Industrial Hemp is an incredibly versatile plant renowned for it’s long history of human use to produce wide range of products – from medicine (CBD) to food (oil and seeds) to fibre (stem) and much more. Hemp biomass can also be used to produce energy by combustion, fermentation and other processes. Hemp

Hempex News

Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabinoids for Clinical Trials

Why Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabinoids Are Needed for Clinical Trials Recently, Tilray made big news announcing that they would be importing Canadian cannabis into the USA for clinical trials. This ruffled some feathers in the US cannabis industry, who operate under state legal programs while the US Federal law insists that cannabis is a highly dangerous

Hempex News

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil

CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil vs Hemp Seed Oil – What’s the difference? CBD Oil, Hemp Oil and Hemp Seed Oil are related products which can be produced from the Hemp plan, Cannabis Sativa. Consumers and health professionals often get confused by the differences between the different products

Hempex News

Pharma Grade CBD Products to be Rescheduled

Pharma Grade CBD Products to be Rescheduled to Schedule V Pharma Grade CBD Products such as Epidiolex will be Schedule V – comparable to codeine-containing cough syrups – indicating a low potential for abuse and effectiveness as a therapeutic drug. The Drug Enforcement Agency published a notification on the FDA CBD rescheduling in the Federal Register.


Coca Cola’s CBD Move and what it means for the Cannabis Industry

Will Coca Cola Become an Infused Beverage Leader? Coca-Cola is looking at Cannabis derived ingredient – CBD (Cannabidiol) as a possible ingredient in health drinks. While this may seem strange at first we should remember that Coca Cola started out as a tonic containing botanical extracts including cocaine. Coca-Cola is in talks with a major Canadian

Cannabis Extracts

Full Spectrum Cannabis Extracts Superior to CBD

A groundbreaking study has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant CBD-rich cannabis extract as compared to single-molecule CBD. BY MARTIN A. LEE ON FEBRUARY 22, 2015 A groundbreaking study from Israel has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant CBD-rich cannabis extract as compared to single-molecule cannabidiol (CBD). Published in the journal Pharmacology &Pharmacy (Feb. 2015), the article directly challenges

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