Hempex News

Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabinoids for Clinical Trials

Why Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabinoids Are Needed for Clinical Trials Recently, Tilray made big news announcing that they would be importing Canadian cannabis into the USA for clinical trials. This ruffled some feathers in the US cannabis industry, who operate under state legal programs while the US Federal law insists that cannabis is a highly dangerous […]

Hempex News

Pharma Grade CBD Products to be Rescheduled

Pharma Grade CBD Products to be Rescheduled to Schedule V Pharma Grade CBD Products such as Epidiolex will be Schedule V – comparable to codeine-containing cough syrups – indicating a low potential for abuse and effectiveness as a therapeutic drug. The Drug Enforcement Agency published a notification on the FDA CBD rescheduling in the Federal Register.


CBD Isolate Drugs Rescheduled by the FDA

CBD Isolate Drugs Rescheduled by the FDA CBD isolate based drug Epidolex has been removed from Schedule I and placed in Schedule V which will make access to the drug much simpler for patients who can afford it. The rescheduling is a major breakthrough in the medical cannabis and hemp CBD industry because it finally

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