Toll Processing Facilities

Toll Processing Facilities

Toll Processing Facilities are an essential part of the hemp industry, fulfilling the role of the mill, or the grain elevator, in the supply chain.

A dramatic increase in the hemp acreage under cultivation in 2019 requires a massive increase in processing capability, and because hemp is a bulk crop a regional processing hub model works well.

Rhizo Sciences currently has 3 operational hemp toll processing facilities in hemp in the USA with a total capacity of 60,000 lbs per month and can provide cGMP compliant and organic certified extraction and manufacturing services for finished products.

In 2019 we will be expanding our network substantially in US hemp processing in Oregon, Arizona and Colorado.

Internationally our GMP contract manufacturing and toll processing facilities for hemp and cannabis will come online in early 2020.

Rhizo Sciences Hemp Toll Processing Facilities

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Hemp Toll Processing Services

Hemp Toll Processing Services for farmers and other licensed hemp companies including drying, extraction, distillation and isolation services.

Learn more about Hemp Toll Processing Services.

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