CBG Hemp Seeds

CBG Hemp Seeds

CBG Hemp seeds produce high CBG hemp flower containing 10-20% CBG, making them sought after for medicinal use in CBG oil, CBG Distillate and CBG isolate, as well as smokeable flower.

CBG Seed Varieties

CBG hemp varieties have been specially bred to produce large harvests of high CBG flower and hemp biomass for processing into CBG extracts. There are also some CBD hemp genetics and industrial Hemp bred for seed and fibre contain low levels of CBG (usually 1% or less) which has meant CBG has previously been expensive and difficult to source. With the introduction of high CBG hemp we can expect to see wider availability and affordability of CBG flower and CBG hemp biomass for processing into CBG extracts

CBG Hemp seeds hit the market in 2019

2019 has seen the release of several varieties of high CBG hemp seeds, and production of millions of seeds. This will enable planting of thousands of acres for the production which are now available for sale as flower or biomass.

Most farmers have focussed on CBD, making CBG scarce in comparison.

CBG Hemp Seed Breeders

Several hemp farming groups have been working on developing high CBG varieties for sale.  The most prominent CBG hemp seed breeders supplying US farmers in 2019 was Oregon CBD Seeds. A number of companies are working on their own proprietary genetics, with new varieties becoming available for the 2020 season.

Know of other high CBG hemp seed breeders or cultivars we should add? Contact us to let us know!

CBG Hemp Seed Varieties

Note: CBG Hemp Seed Varieties are still limited in number, and we will be adding new varieties in late 2019.

See all CBG Hemp Varieties

How to buy CBG Hemp Seeds

We are currently taking orders for CBG Hemp Seeds. To go onto our waiting list to be contacted when seeds become available please complete the form below.


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